Report of a water analysis before and after purification with
"The real Binchotan" is a micro-enterprise located on the Côte d'Azur, in Vallauris (06). We offer for sale the real Japanese Binchotan from Wakayama.
What is Binchotan:
Binchotan is an activated carbon stick, which is used to purify unwanted elements in tap water and improve its taste.
It was invented in Japan, where it has been used since the 17th century.
Binchotan is used on drinking water (i.e. tap water that complies with drinking water standards).
All water filtration systems contain activated carbon (osmosis, filter jugs, gravity filter, travel filters, cartridges for American refrigerators, filter to be mounted on the tap, etc.).
In these systems, the powdered activated carbon is enclosed in a plastic cartridge or filter:
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With Binchotan, the activated carbon remains in its natural form: instead of being reduced to powder, it comes in the form of sticks. The advantage of this process is that it does not require plastic cartridges to operate.
Genuine Japanese Binchotan is a rare product. It is produced by hand in Japan and in small quantities, ethically and without any deforestation.
The real Japanese Binchotan is activated only with water vapour, and not with chemical solvents as in some other Asian countries (Laos, China, Vietnam…) which sell activated carbon in large quantities. Some of these counterfeits can be dangerous for health, in particular barbecue coals which contain tars. It is therefore important to choose a quality Binchotan because most counterfeits circulating on the Internet are sold to you without any guarantee of non-toxicity.
Japan is the only country in the world to have its activated carbon tested for radioactivity. We have confirmed these tests by an independent test carried out in France which is available on the site under the heading "radioactivity".
Our Binchotan are delivered to you with their own stamp of authenticity (see under "counterfeits"). Only this yellow label guarantees you to be faced with a real Japanese Binchotan from Kishu.
2) Interests of Binchotan :
The main interest of Binchotan is its low cost, ease of use and low ecological impact.
A 20 gram stick of real activated carbon “THE REAL BINCHOTAN” costs between 13 and 15 euros. It purifies 3 L of water per day for 6 months.
Its annual cost is 30 euros maximum per year for a stick of 20 grams, or 2.50 € per month.
The Binchotan does not require any installation work and works without electricity: it can therefore be taken anywhere (work, vacation, etc.). It is water efficient since you can consume all the water that has been purified.
Unlike some filters that completely rid the water of its minerals, the Binchotan has a reputation for preserving the minerals contained in tap water which are important for health. It also has a reputation for enriching water with essential minerals.
We therefore sought to verify this information by analyzing the water before and after purification with Binchotan "THE TRUE BINCHOTAN".
As it is 100% vegetable, Binchotan is completely biodegradable and compostable when it reaches the end of its life. It therefore produces no waste and remains very healthy. Indeed, the Binchotan works without any plastic cartridges or filters, so the drinking water is not in contact with plastic.
Conversely, the purchase of an osmosis unit requires work and costs an average of €2,500 to purchase. It will then be necessary to add the maintenance costs (filters to be renewed every 6 months to a year depending on the model) and the daily electricity consumption. The osmosis unit also consumes a lot of water: 5 L of water are needed to obtain 1 L of osmosis water, which leads to a huge waste of water. With Binchotan, every ml of water is consumed, there is no wastage of water (source:https://www.aquachange.fr/Articles/eau-osmosee.php).
Binchotan is often criticized for being Japanese, which requires importation, butknow that all the powdered carbons contained in the water filters come from Asia: there is almost no production of activated carbon in Europe. Likewise, the ceramic beads are all made in Japan.
Most plastic cartridges, water filters and water bottles are also made in Asia, since there is almost no production in Europe._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
True to our ecological values, we offset the carbon footprint of all our imports by supporting a hive via the site "a roof for bees", as indicated in the "ethics"
Binchotan is therefore a vegetable, natural, ecological and economical way to purify tap water.
3) Conditions for carrying out the analysis:
We decided to carry out an indicative water analysis before and after purification with our Japanese activated carbon sticks "THE REAL BINCHOTAN" because many customers had asked us for it.
The water sampling was carried out in our premises located on the Côte d'Azur in Vallauris in the Alpes-Maritimes, a town in which the water quality is considered "good".
The analysis was carried out by the “CARSO” laboratory, which is a laboratory specializing in water analysis.This laboratory is COFRAC accredited and authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture, in order to ensure the reliability of the results obtained. The documents are available at the bottom of the page.
We asked them to do:
a water analysis taken directly from the tap of our premises in Vallauris (06220)
an analysis of the same water, purified with activated carbon “THE TRUE BINCHOTAN”
To carry out this purification, we used Binchotan at its lowest dose (20 grams per liter), since the water in our city is of good quality (as a reminder, the doses of Binchotan used can range from 20 to 40 grams per liter depending on the initial water quality).
The “REAL BINCHOTAN” activated carbon sticks used were a month and a half old. As indicated on the instructions, the sticks were first boiled for 15 minutes and then air dried before use.
They were then immersed in tap water for 8 hours and then removed.
The glass carafes used for the test were simply washed in the dishwasher before use.
4) Parameters analyzed in this study:
The study focuses on the before / after analysis of water purified with Binchotan "THE TRUE BINCHOTAN".
The following parameters were analyzed:
the main minerals: calcium, magnesium and potassium
the hardness of the water: hydrotimetric title (°TH)
the pH
residue dry at 180°C
bacteriological analysis
the main trace elements: copper, zinc and iron
heavy metal residues: lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury and nickel
pesticide residues
residues of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Calcium (= limestone) :
Calcium is essential for health and know that it is none other than limestone. It is therefore not useful to want to remove all the limestone in your drinking water.
Our tap water initially contained 59.1 mg of calcium per litre.
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum dose of Binchotan of 20 g/litre, the calcium decreased by 5.25% (i.e. 56 mg/litre). It is therefore interesting to note that unlike reverse osmosis, Binchotan does not remove all the calcium from the water. Indeed, calcium is essential for good bone health.
The daily calcium requirements according to ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) are 500 mg for infants, 700 mg for children et_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ 750 mg in people over 24 years old.
People who do not consume dairy products (vegans or lactose intolerant for example) will have every interest in not completely eliminating the limestone contained in their drinking water.
Source :https://www.anses.fr/fr/content/le-calcium
Our tap water contained 7.9 mg of magnesium per litre.
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum Binchotan dose of 20 g/litre, magnesium was completely spared by Binchotan: it remained at 7.9 mg/litre and was not impacted by the use of Binchotan.
Magnesium is essential for many body functions. It is best known for preserving nervous and muscular balance.
The daily intake of magnesium for an adult is 80 mg for an infant, 200 mg for a child and 420 mg for an adult.
Source: https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/files/NUT2012SA0103Ra-1.pdf
Our tap water contained 0.6 mg of potassium per liter before purification with Binchotan.
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum dose of Binchotan of 20 g / liter, the potassium was multiplied by
9! Indeed, it was measured at 5.4 mg per litre! So we can see that the Binchotan has enriched the water with potassium.
This is important because potassium deficiencies are common. Potassium allows good muscle contraction, especially the heart muscle: it is therefore essential to health.
Daily potassium requirements are estimated at 750 mg per day for an infant, 1100 mg for a child and 3500 mg per day for an adult.
There is therefore no danger in drinking water purified with Binchotan, since the daily dose is 600 times greater than the dose contained in 1 L of water purified with our Binchotan.
2. Water hardness:
The hardness of water, or hydrotimetric title, depends on the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts it contains. It is calculated in French degrees, symbolized by a "°TH" (= hydrotimetric title). The more calcium and magnesium the water contains, the higher the hardness.
Our tap water initially contained 18.03°TH.
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum dose of Binchotan of 20 g / litre, the hydrotimetric title of the water was 17.25, i.e. a reduction of 4.33%, but it should be noted that we used the dose of Binchotan the lowest (20 grams per litre).
3. The pH of the water:
Initially, our tap water had a PH of 8.
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum dose of Binchotan of 20 g/litre, the pH of our water increased by 1.37%: it was 8.11.
It can therefore be seen that Binchotan slightly alkalizes tap water by increasing the pH of the water. Obviously, these results will depend on the initial pH of your water.
Since our modern lifestyle leads to acidification of the body, purified water with binchotan can help regulate the effects of an acidifying diet.
You can find more information here:
The potability standard sets the PH limit between 6.5 and 9. Our water purified with Binchotan is therefore perfectly suitable for consumption.
4. The dry residue at 180°C:
Our tap water contained 258 mg of dry residue per dry liter at the start.
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum dose of Binchotan of 20 g / liter, the dry residue was measured at 274 mg / liter: this variation is explained by the increase in certain minerals (in particular potassium which was multiplied by 9).
Our water purified with Binchotan nevertheless remains well below the standard of 500 mg/litre of dry residues.
It is therefore considered "weakly mineralized", and can be used for the preparation of baby bottles as indicated by this link: https://www.mutuellebleue.fr/actu-et-prevention/prevention-actualite/a-la-decouverte-des-eaux-pour-nourrissons
If you want to use water purified in Binchotan for the preparation of baby bottles, you will have to check at the Town Hall if the water in your municipality complies with the health standards for water intended for infants. In France almost all the waters are compliant, as you will see in the section "baby bottles" from our website.
5. Chlorine:
Chlorine was not found in our starting water. Indeed, the water samples we took were received by the laboratory several days after the analysis, so these results can be explained by the fact that the chlorine evaporates spontaneously.
However, it is observed by our customers that Binchotan accelerates the elimination of chlorine (in about 15 min against 1 hour in the open air).
6. Bacteriological analysis:
In 2016, ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) published an opinion on the assessment of the safety and effectiveness of filter jugs._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
It indicated that "studies carried out in the homes of individuals show an increase in aerobic germs that can be revived at 22°C and 36°C in water filtered by filter jugs, beyond the regulatory limits" . It can be consulted here: https://www.quechoisir.org/actualite-carafes-filtrantes-inutiles-voire-pire-n25672
We therefore investigated whether the use of Binchotan could also lead to water contamination. The water samples were received by the laboratory 2 days after our collection. They were then incubated for 72 hours before being analyzed. The analysis therefore took place 5 days after the sample was taken.
We note that the authorized limits have not been exceeded: indeed the analysis of our water before / after purification in Binchotan has remained almost identical. This shows that with good carafe and Binchotan hygiene, there is no microbial contamination of the water.
7. Trace elements:
Our tap water contained 0.027 mg of copper per litre.
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum Binchotan dose of 20 g/litre, copper was measured at 0.040 mg per litre, an increase of 48.15%. We can therefore see that Binchotan enriched the water with copper.
Copper contributes to the formation of red blood cells and immune defenses.
Daily copper requirements are estimated at 0.6 mg per day for an infant, 1 mg per day for a child, and 1.3 mg per day for an adult.
There is therefore no danger in drinking water rich in copper, since the daily dose is 32 times greater than in one liter of our Binchotan purified water.
Our tap water contained 0.035 mg of zinc per litre.
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum dose of Binchotan of 20 g per litre, the zinc was measured at 0.043 mg per litre, an increase of 22.86%. We can therefore see that the Binchotan enriched the water with zinc.
Zinc helps stabilize various hormones, including insulin. It is essential for immune defences, and it contributes to the good condition of the skin and hair.
The daily zinc requirements are estimated at 8 mg per day for a child and 9 mg per day for an adult.
There is therefore no danger in drinking water rich in zinc, since the daily dose is 209 times greater than the quantity contained in 1 L of our water purified with Binchotan.
The iron :
In our original tap water, iron was present in minute traces. The variations related to the use of Binchotan could therefore not be measured.
8. Heavy metal residues:
The lead :
Our tap water contained 0.011 mg of lead per litre:it therefore exceeded the French drinkability standards, which are set at 0.010 mg of lead per liter!!
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum Binchotan dose of 20 g/litre, lead was measured at
0.005mg per litre,i.e. a reduction of 54.55%.
Our tap water contained 0.039 mg of aluminum per liter.
After 8 hours of purification with a minimum Binchotan dose of 20 g/litre, the aluminum was measured at 0.037 mg per litre, ie a reduction of 5.13%. The limit being set at 0.2 mg per litre, our water is therefore 5 times below the limit.
In our tap water, these heavy metals were present in minute traces. The variations linked to the use of Binchotan could therefore not be measured since the laboratory is not able to detect such low thresholds.
9. Pesticides:
We investigated whether our city's water met the potability standards for pesticides. We also wanted to make sure that our Binchotans were produced from wood that grows without pesticides, by looking for the presence of pesticides in the Binchotan purified water.
Pesticides are chemical products intended for the protection of crops:the regulatory limit is set at 0.1 µg per litre.
The pesticides found in our sample of tap water after purification with Binchotan vary between 0.005 and 0.020 µg per litre, ie 5 to 20 times less than the regulatory limit.
We therefore cannot study the Binchotan's capacities on pesticides but we note that our Binchotans do not release pesticides into the water.
Other available scientific data regarding activated carbon and pesticides:
- https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00983252/document
- https://www.lenntech.fr/adsorption.htm
- https://www.lenntech.fr/procedes/pesticide/pesticide-traitement.htm
10. Volatile organic compounds (chemical solvents and hydrocarbons):
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are large molecules that often come from petroleum products. The best known are butane, toluene, ethanol, acetone and benzene which are found in chemical solvents. The limit set is 10 µg per litre.
The VOCs found in our sample of tap water after purification with Binchotan are less than 0.005 µg per liter (i.e. 2000 times less than the drinking limit) which is quite reassuring as to its quality.
The measurement of these residues being present in minute traces, the variations linked to the use of Binchotan could therefore not be measured since the laboratory is not able to detect such low thresholds.
We cannot therefore study the capacities of Binchotan on VOCs in tap water since it only contains traces that are too small to be measured.
However, we find that our Binchotans do not release chemical compounds into the water.
11. Drug residues:
Unfortunately, this setting could not be tested. Indeed, to date there is no laboratory in France that performs this analysis and all the labs we contacted answered us in the negative.If you ever know a laboratory that is able to do this analysis, do not hesitate to contact us.
Studies show that activated carbon has properties for the adsorption of drugs, it is also used by poison control centers and intensive care units in cases of drug poisoning. Here are some items below in link.
- https://urgences-serveur.fr/epuration-digestive-lors-des,317.html
- https://www.centreantipoisons.be/m-dicaments/charbon-de-bois-m-dicinal
- https://www.inspq.qc.ca/pdf/publications/101_SiropIpecaCharbonActive.pdf
It is also not recommended to consume activated charcoal capsules at the same time as drugs and contraceptive pills, since activated charcoal decreases or even cancels their effectiveness:
- https://eurekasante.vidal.fr/medicaments/vidal-famille/medicament-bcharb01-CHARBON-DE-BELLOC.html (see the interactions section)
- https://toxinfo.ch/attention--ne-pas-administration-simultanment-du-c
If a capsule of a few grams of charcoal can cancel the effectiveness of a drug treatment in a human body of 70 kg, we can therefore think that a stick of 40 grams of activated charcoal in 1 L of water could capture the residues drugs, which are counted in micro or even nanograms.
This is why it is important not to consume the charcoal debris (which can be present in the water exceptionally when the charcoal breaks up) if you are taking medication. The ingestion of activated charcoal does not pose a problem in itself because it is edible (it is used as a dietary supplement), but it can however reduce the effectiveness of drugs. It is very rare, however, that our Binchotan leave debris in the water because they are made from very dense and fibrous wood, and do not tend to disintegrate like some other activated carbons.
12. See our "before" analyses:
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13. See our "after" analyses:
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Another study on authentic Japanese Binchotan was also conducted in the United States.
For this study, the water had been deliberately enriched with heavy metals and minerals in order to test the adsorption capacities of Japanese Binchotan.
Source: James R. Self, Ph.D, Colorado State University Soil, Water, Plant Testing Lab.